Silverfitness room

There are a lot of things to consider when it comes to furnishing a new exercise room. Based on our experience with geriatric physiotherapy and physical activity programmes in multiple countries, we are able to help you find the right exercise equipment that fits your needs and requirements. The equipment is only one aspect of creating a successful gym. The layout of the room and the way it will be staffed and operated are also vital. We will gladly help you with these aspects too!
What we can do for you
Design and marketing
SilverFit can help you design the room professionally. We create one or more designs based on the existing equipment and available space. If necessary we can advise about new systems that may need to be purchased or refurbishments of the room itself. We also pay close attention to the layout and styling of the gym. In order to strengthen the position of your organisation, we will be happy to help in compiling a press report and other marketing materials.
Perfectly crafted exercise equipment
Training with a vulnerable group is a whole different ball game. It is very important that the exercises correspond with essential functional movements, and that they can be offered at the right level. A lot of standard exercise equipment is not an option when working with fragile elderly people. A good selection of exercise equipment is of the essence. It goes without saying that we deliver excellent quality and service on all of the equipment.
Bringing on enthusiasm
Making participants enthusiastic is an extremely valuable asset within physiotherapy, and perhaps even more important during voluntary physical activity. The SilverFit systems offer therapy and exercising in game form so that users can train more independently, for longer periods of time and have more fun while doing so.
Costs and benefits
An exercise room is a big investment. This investment can be regained in different ways, depending on the objectives. Through group therapy for example, or through reducing the length of stay due to more intense training and increased target therapy. The Silverfitness room often functions as a flagship feature, attracting outpatients, and/or increasing room occupancy. The gym can also be used for preventive training, for example, fall prevention or COPD or cardiac training groups. Many insurance companies and governments are starting to recognize the importance of such activities.
The showpiece of your location
The new purpose built gym generally creates a buzz in the local community and attracts a lot of attention from potential new tenants, visitors, and the press. A SilverFit gym combines a large number of game-based exercises. Patients with very low to high physical or cognitive capabilities can enjoy Silverfitness. A SilverFit room often becomes the showpiece of a client’s location!
The most frequently used systems in our purpose built gyms are:
- SilverFit 3D: training gross motor skills. The SilverFit has a wide range of exercises that can be accommodated to suit both the physical and cognitive needs of the user.
- SilverFit Mile: cycling or walking through cities and many diverse landscapes.
The SilverFit Mile can be connected to an existing bike, passive/active trainer, recumbent cross trainer or treadmill. If you need to purchase new equipment, SilverFit can advise you as well. - SilverFit Newton: strength training with games and visualisations.
The SilverFit Newton is used most on a leg press and a pulley. The system can be connected to your existing equipment provided this works using weights. If you need to purchase new equipment, SilverFit can advise you as well.
SilverFit has equipped gyms and physio rooms in the Netherlands and abroad. These gyms are used for various groups and purposes. Here are a few examples:
SilverFitness is often used for rehabilitation in nursing homes and hospitals. Clients can exercise individually with their physical therapist, or in groups.
Early onset dementia
At daycare centre De Wiek, the SilverFitness room is used for people with early onset dementia. The programs are composed per person and the SilverFit systems do not only play a role in fitness in general, but also in assessing the cognitive ability and in reducing behavioral disorders.
Outpatient clients
One long-term objective was to integrate the wider community into Accord’s services. SilverFitness proved to be a very good way to attract people from wider communities. At Furlong House, a large number of people from the local community are using SilverFitness. People come to the gym after physio where there is no support in the community, so they can continue with that physical activity. People also have said that they don’t feel under pressure in this gym, they feel very comfortable, they have lots of people around them that perhaps experience the same thing.
Multiple disabilities
The AnnaFit is a gym that was realised at Koraal Group, an organisation for people with multiple disabilities. It was the first virtual fitness centre for elderly people with multiple disabilities. Following the success of this silverfitness room, several others have already been realised.